Minggu, 04 November 2012





TOUR NAME: Beaches Sights Sembukan ADDRESSES: Sembukan village, district. Paranggupito FACILITIES: Place of worship, Toilet, Car Park MAP LOCATION: This tourist attraction entrance Paranggupito Village area, Paranggupito district is 60 km from the capital city Wonogiri towards the south or the trip takes about 2 hours by motor vehicles and road conditions smooth FACTS: Sights Sembukan is one of the leading tourist Wonogiri serving enchanting beauty of white sand beaches and coral reefs range comes with a charming waves. This tourist attraction has several places of worship such as mosques, paseban and studio. It is said that tourism Sembukan Beach is the gateway to the 13 royal Queen of South. The gate is used to pass the Queen of South Kanjeng while attending a meeting with Kings Surakarta (Pakubowono). Event held at Beaches Sights Sembukan featured attractions Ageng Labuhan with melabuh Chief Buffalo / Ox conducted by Paranggupito village communities, local government and the Kraton Surakarta Wonogiri. Ageng Labuhan Ritual Ceremony is meant to invoke the safety and tranquility of the nation. In this event also staged sacred dance that dance Bedoyo Parang Kencono. This event is very interesting and always attracts many tourists.

Gajah Mungkur Reservoir is a reservoir located 3 km south of the town Wonogiri district, Central Java province. Waters of an artificial lake created by the dam is the longest river on the island of Java, Bengawan Solo river. Was built in the late 1970's and began operating in 1978. Reservoir with an area of ​​approximately 8800 ha in 7 districts can irrigate an area of ​​23 600 ha of rice fields in the area Sukoharjo, Klaten, Karanganyar and Sragen. In addition to supplying drinking water Winton Cities also generate electricity from hydropower by 12.4 MegaWatt. To build the dam, the government moved people displaced by the reservoir waters bedol transmigration villages to Sitiung, the province of West Sumatra.     Multipurpose Dam Reservoir Gajah Mungkur Elephant Mungkur Reservoir recreation is also a very beautiful place.Here available boat to circumnavigate the waters, as well as the fishing. Moreover, it can also enjoy their sport glider (hang gliding).There is also a leisure park "Spring" which is located 6 km south of the City of Winton. In the dry season, the water reservoirs will discharge small and most of the basic reservoir visible. Basic reservoir on the outskirts utilized by local communities to plant annual crops, such as corn. 

If you want to pamper your tongue with a taste of traditional culinary specialties, RM. Grilled Chicken mbok Tiyem answer. Grilled Chicken RM mbok Tiyem has become the main destination for culinary connoisseurs grilled chicken menu cooked the traditional way, served with a selection of spices taste like no other. Moreover, the typical special features vegetables and papaya with chili tration option that was imported directly from Tuban so people call the devil chili, was so spicy. RM Ayang Bake mbok Tiyem also pamper customers with a dining table and a lot of parking space locations enable you to hold a meeting with relatives, official meetings, and various events. You who live in Solo, Sukoharjo and Wonogiri can come in RM Grilled Chicken mbok Tiyem 3, who live in Ponorogo can come to Jatisrono.Be sure to come and enjoy our meal offerings: 1. Grilled Chicken RM mbok Tiyem 1 addressable west lap Sambi Jatisrono 2. Grilled Chicken RM mbok Tiyem 2 addressable Eastside mosque Sambi Jatisrono 3. Grilled Chicken RM mbok Tiyem 3 addressable billowing Nguter Sukoharjo

Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

pantai sembukan wonogiri

Pantai Sembukan
Obyek Wisata Ritual Pantai Sembukan


NAMA WISATA : Obyek Wisata Pantai Sembukan
ALAMAT : Desa Sembukan, Kec. Paranggupito
FASILITAS : Tempat ibadah, Toilet, Tempat Parkir
PETA LOKASI : Obyek wisata ini masuk wilayah Desa Paranggupito, kecamatan Paranggupito berjarak 60 km dari Ibu Kota Kabupaten Wonogiri kearah selatan  atau memerlukan waktu perjalanan  kira-kira 2 jam dengan kendaraan bermotor dan kondisi jalan mulus
TIKET MASUK : Setiap hari     Rp 5.000,-
Obyek Wisata Sembukan merupakan salah satu obyek wisata unggulan di Kabupaten Wonogiri yang menyajikan pesona keindahan pantai pasir putih dan jajaran batu karang yang dilengkapi dengan ombak yang menawan. Obyek wisata ini mempunyai beberapa sarana ibadah antara lain masjid, paseban dan sanggar. Konon obyek wisata  Pantai Sembukan  ini merupakan pintu gerbang ke-13 kerajaan Ratu Kidul. Gerbang ini di gunakan untuk lewat Kanjeng Ratu Kidul saat menghadiri pertemuan dengan Raja-raja Kasunanan Surakarta (Paku Buwono).
Event yang dilaksanakan di Obyek Wisata Pantai Sembukan menampilkan atraksi Labuhan Ageng dengan melabuh Kepala Kerbau / Lembu yang dilaksanakan oleh  masyarakat desa Paranggupito, Pemkab Kabupaten Wonogiri maupun Keraton Surakarta. Upacara Ritual Labuhan Ageng ini dimaksudkan untuk memohon keselamatan dan ketentraman bangsa dan negara. Dalam acara ini juga dipentaskan tarian sakral yaitu Tari Bedoyo Parang Kencono. Event ini sangat menarik dan selalu menarik banyak wisatawan.

pantai sembukan